TX4 Rulebook
TX4 Cross Country Racing (Referred to as TX4 hereinafter) is the owner and promoter for TX4 Racing Series
Rules and/or regulations set forth herein are designed to establish
minimum acceptable requirements and to provide for the orderly
conduct of racing events.
Effective January 1, 2022 these rules and regulations will govern all
TX4 events. All TX4 members and racers willingly participating
in these events are deemed to have read and agree to comply with
these rules and regulations.
No express or implied warranty of safety shall result from publication of
or compliance with these rules and/or regulations. These rules and/or
regulations are in no way a guarantee against injury or death to
participants, spectators, or any person or persons. They are intended
as guide for the conduct of the sport only.
1: Off road racing is a hazardous sport, and with participation being voluntary, no entrant, pit crew member or vehicle sponsor shall have any claim for damages, expenses, lawsuits or otherwise against promoter, track operator, TX4, its officers, agents or directors arising from damage to any vehicle, personal injury or death, monetary loss of any kind whatsoever. Entrants, pit crew members or vehicle sponsors who voluntarily participate in any racing activities conduct under these rules waive any claim they may have against promoter, track operator, TX4, its officers, agents or directors.
2: The promoter or track operator may run any type of approved TX4 event.
3: The director shall have the authority to penalize, disqualify and/or suspend any entrant or crewmember for the violation of these rules including special rulings.
4: TX4 may issue special rulings to account for conditions presented by
the location of the race, the condition of the course or any other circumstance.
5: Supplementary regulations may be issued for each event as necessary to amend, suspend or modify existing rules and regulations.
6: TX4 assumes no responsibility whatsoever for delays, postponements and/or cancellations of all or part of an event because of inclement weather, unsafe course conditions and/or any other reason.
7: TX4 members are not employees of TX4. TX4 members assume all responsibility for all charges; premiums and taxes payable on any funds they may receive as a result of their participation in any TX4 sponsored event(s).
8: TX4 reserves the right to refuse and/or deny any entry application.
9: Displacement modifications are legal by boring and stroking a motor to increase displacement within the displacement guidelines per class.
Boring down to decrease displacement is strictly prohibited.
10: All ATV riders must have a working kill switch or tether cord kill switch (ATV).
11: No rider is permitted to carry gasoline except for within the machine's fuel tank.
12: Safety equipment and machine eligibility are the sole responsibility of the rider.
13: ATV riders must be 4 yrs old or older as of 1st day of the current event.
14: DNF Definition - Racer must start race and make one lap thru the scoring. Points will be awarded for those that finish at least half of the class winners lap count. IE winner finishes 9 laps, 4 would be required.
15: No paddle tires allowed.
- By racing with TX4 or participating in any TX4 events, races or as a spectator inside the boundaries of said events, you agree and assign permissions to use and publish, in any media now or hereafter known, your name, likeness and voice as captured at any TX4 LLC event, for purposes of promotion, art and commerce and furthermore acknowledge that my email/postal information will be used for email/mail marketing purposes through TX4 contracted sponsors. You may opt out at any time in the future by contacting TX4.
17: ABSOLUTELY NO PIT RIDING ALLOWED AT ANY EVENT. Read for further information.
18: TX4 reserves the right to uphold all policies and rules written or otherwise.
19: All TX4 Policies will be at the discretion of the promoter, whether written or not.
1: Any entrant who fails to fully fill out and sign required entry forms, waivers and releases shall be disqualified and shall forfeit any prize money, points and contingencies won in that particular event. Entry forms, waivers and releases must be signed in person in front of TX4 entry personnel. Identification may be required.
2: No entrant may enter racing areas until they have signed all releases and/or entry forms. No person shall sign the release or entry forms for anyone other than himself or herself. Proper identification may be required (i.e., picture ID).
3: The entry applications of persons under the age of 18 must have a parent or legal guardian sign the release form. If a parent is sending their child with a legal guardian, they must use an TX4 minor release form. Must be notarized to be valid..
4: Any entrant who competes on a vehicle that he/she is not registered to ride or permits such action, shall forfeit any and all prize money, points and contingencies won in that particular event. Such action may result in vehicle disqualification.
5: TX4 reserves the right to change race vehicle numbers and/or background color designations.
6: Only entrants that are listed on official TX4 entry form may ride the vehicle for which they are registered. No entrant may ride any vehicle for which they are not registered.
7: The rider must sign all entry forms, waivers and releases in person during the registration period to be eligible for points, contingencies, purse, etc. during that event. Identification may be required.
1: A marked course is the official route designated by and marked with official TX4 markings. All vehicles must follow this route during the event. No vehicle may deviate from the marked course at any time. Short coursing is not permitted and will result in a penalty
up to a disqualification. Short coursing is defined as any deviation from the marked course resulting in either a time or position advantage. TX4 is not responsible for markings that are damaged or removed. All vehicles must proceed only in the correct direction of the course route or trail. Riding backwards on the race course at any time is prohibited. Riding backwards on the course is grounds for penalties of up to and including disqualification.
2: Course may include trails, footpaths, roads, hills, motocross tracks, or any type of terrain, which can be negotiated by an ATV. The course will be open to inspection on Friday. Participants are permitted to walk or bicycle the course only. If a rider leaves the course for any reason, he/she must re-enter the course where he/she left, failure to do so will result in a penalty up to a DSQ. Riders must remain on the marked course. Any time double arrows are posted on both sides of the trail, riders must stay between the arrows. Markers may also include any device placed along the trail to help guide riders, including: ribbons, signs, stakes, hay bales, etc. If the original marking devices are knocked down, the rider must stay on the original marked course.
3: Riding backwards on the course is grounds for immediate disciplinary action up to and including disqualification.
4: Course markers will include arrows and ribbon. If there are two arrows on both side of the trail you must go between the markers. If grass track sections exist and the arrows are on the outside of a tree or other obstacle you must go between the obstacle and the arrow. If a ribbon is blown during competition it does not mean the track changed. You must stay on the original course. Course marshalls will circulate the track to repair track markers as needed.
5: Bottle Necks can happen and block the track. You are open to find a way around off course but you must get back to the track as close to the spot you left as possible. When you come back to this section and the track is clear you must race the original course.
1: The following legend of infraction penalties is a guideline used by TX4 in assessing penalties. These guidelines are not meant to infer that these are the only possible infractions or penalties that may be assessed against any entrant participating in an TX4 sponsored event.
- Race vehicle traveling on the racecourse in the reverse direction of the race, at any time: disciplinary action up to and including disqualification.
- Pit support vehicles traveling on the racecourse at any time: disciplinary action up to and including disqualification.
- Abusive (verbal or physical) conduct toward a race official: Disqualification, suspension, five hundred dollar ($500) fine or any combination of the three.
- Short coursing: disciplinary action up to and including disqualification.
- ATV practice is to be used at the racer’s discretion; each racer must begin their designated practice on the starting line and NOT at any other location on the course. Each racer must complete unclassified and go through the scoring chute. Any violation of this rule and the racer will be disqualified from the weekend’s events. Transponder must be on bike/vehicle to participate in the unclassified practice sessions.
- Passing in the scoring chute: 2 positions.
- DSQ's are non-droppable and will count towards championships.
- DSQ's for a machine cc infraction will mean loss of all points from said class for race season.
- Outside assistance is permitted as long as the assistance isn't impeding other racers or flow of race traffic.
- All riders must finish on the same bike/vehicle that they start on, a rider may not change bikes/vehicle at any point during a race: Violation of this rule is a DSQ penalty.
1: Only entrants that are listed on official TX4 entry form may ride the vehicle for which they are registered. No entrant may ride any vehicle for which they are not registered.
2: TX4 reserves the right to change race vehicle numbers and/or background colors designations.
3: The rider must sign all entry forms, waivers and releases in person during the registration period to be eligible for points, contingencies, purse, etc. during that event. Identification may be required.
You may ride your bike to and from the track at first gear IDLE ONLY for your race ONLY and must wear a helmet AT ALL TIMES. Riders must register for the race before riding their machine anywhere.
1: At all times, the rider assumes responsibility for the actions of their pit crew members, support crews, and all others associated with their organization. All pitting must be done in the designated pit area. No rider is allowed to carry gasoline except inside his/her machine's gas tank.
2: No vehicle shall be towed, pushed, pulled or transported by a nonrace entered vehicle on the official course while an event is still in progress. Another race entered vehicle or an official TX4 vehicle may push, pull or tow the race-entered vehicle up to the nearest pit stop
checkpoint. Only the vehicle occupant at the time of breakdown may push the vehicle through the finish line. No other person or persons will be permitted to assist in pushing, pulling or towing the vehicle. TX4 officials may assist the vehicle occupants if it is deemed necessary for the protection of the entrants.
3: Any pit support vehicle running on or near the racecourse will result in the entrant being disqualified. Any pit vehicle running backwards on the racecourse will cause race vehicle to be disqualified.
4: All pits must have the equivalent of a UL approved 5-lb. ABC fire extinguisher at all times: the extinguisher(s) must be in the pit and be visible during the race and easily accessible. Racers without a quick fill fuel system must dismount the vehicle when refueling in the pits.
5: All young children and pets must be kept out of the pit area. Pets must be kept on a leash. All campfires must be kept out of immediate pit area. Campfires may not be permitted due to local federal and state regulations.
6: All entrants are responsible for cleaning the pit areas they use during the event.
7: "Hot Pits" for the pro main. A hot pit area may be established. Either a chalk line or a row of hay bales or both will define a safe zone for race vehicle servicing. The safe zone will be between the chalk line/hay bales and the recognized row of support vehicles/crew. Any
full stop servicing or pit crew personnel beyond the safe zone during servicing will be penalized a minimum of a 2-minute penalty and/or up to disqualification against the entrant being serviced.
8: Any pit crew members disregarding these rules will subject their rider to disciplinary action up to and including disqualification.
The regulations herein apply to all classes unless otherwise noted in supplementary or specific class regulations. Modifications or optional equipment is not permitted unless the class requirements or safety regulations specifically state that it will be permitted. TX4’s intent when prescribing specifications for safety equipment for vehicles that will compete under TX4 rules is to provide reasonable protection to all entrants, pit crews, officials and spectators. TX4 encourages all entrants to give full attention to safety requirements. Entrants must wear approved helmet, protective clothing, eye protection and safety equipment when operating a vehicle on the race course at any time.
1: Helmets - Helmets must be of the type approved by the Snell Memorial Foundation with a Snell or D.O.T. sticker attached. Straps must have D-ring fasteners only. No snaps or Velcro will be permitted. The interior and exterior areas of the helmet must be free of defects. (i.e., the padding must be in good condition and the exterior of the helmet must not be damaged.) TX4 strongly recommends that entrants use helmets specifically designed for racing.
2: Protective Clothing - Protective clothing accessories are required to include but not limited to gloves, race pants, race jersey, boots.
3: Eye protection - Shatter resistant eye protection is required for all quad/atv/entrants competing in a TX4 event.
4: Emergency Kill Switch - All ATV's must have a tether cord kill switch. Heel guards / floor boards are required on all entrant vehicles. Nerf Bars with nets are highly recommended.
Full personal safety gear must be worn to include:
- One-piece driver suits are required. The suits must cover from the neck to the ankles and to the wrists. All suits must be fire retardant and have the SFI label attached.
- Head and neck restraints are mandatory in all classes any time the vehicle is on the track, head restraints must be certified by SFI or FIA. TX4 Recommends the HANS system, but a donut roll will also be accepted
- The head and neck restraint, when connected, must be mounted, configured, maintained, and used in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
- It is the responsibility of the driver to ensure that his/her restraint is correctly installed, maintained, and properly used.
Personal safety gear MUST be worn during parade lap and race. NO EXCEPTIONS. Motorcycle type race gear will NOT be allowed as it is extremely flammable..
- Lockable side protection doors must be mounted in a way as to not be able to pop open during racing. If using Factory doors a secondary locking mechanism is recommended.
- Driver and passenger side nets or hand restraints are required if passenger seat is present. a. The window net must fill the entire window opening of the race vehicle to allow no more than 3 inches access to the drivers.
- All window net mounts must be welded to the roll cage. The window net, when in closed position must fit tight and be secured with a safety belt type of latch.
- All RS1 vehicles are required to have window nets on both sides of vehicle to race.
- Safety harness with 4 point or higher attachment is required. 5 or more recommended
Camlock type belts are allowed. Two shoulder belts are mandatory and must be securely attached behind the driver’s seat. If they are looped around or pass over the roll cage, a steel guide welded to the cage that will prevent the belt from sliding side to side is required. All crotch straps and shoulder belts must connect at the lap belt with a quick release mechanism. Latch or cam-lock style quick release mechanisms are required. No push button mechanisms are allowed. f. Safety harnesses may be rejected by TX4 officials if dirty, frayed, oily, greasy, or otherwise considered unsafe by tech director.
- Aftermarket well-built roll cages made for racing are highly recommended. Gusseting of the factory cage is highly encouraged.
- Material for all roll cage construction cannot be titanium or exotic materials.
- Must be constructed from mild steel, DOM or chrome ally ONLY.
- Roof panels are highly recommended.
- All UTV must have full body plastics on vehicle.
- All vehicles must have a fire extinguisher and or automatic fire extinguishing systems with two nozzles one facing the driver and one facing the engine. Must be readily accessible to the driver. Must be mounted with a quick release type mechanism.
All vehicles in competition must be identified with the correct class background color and correct vehicle numbers and be displayed in the proper locations as described herein.
NOTE: Racing with incorrect background color or incorrect numbers will result in a penalty and/or up to disqualification. (Background color reference chart located under Race Classes. NOTE: TX4 assumes no responsibility for scoring vehicles with unrecognizable numbers.
It is the vehicle rider's responsibility to have proper class-colored backgrounds and numbers and for keeping numbers recognizable.
ATV: All vehicles in competition must have identification numbers in the following locations, colors and sizes:
- Minimum 6 inches high with 1/2-inch-wide stroke on rear number plate of vehicle.
- Minimum 6 inches high located on the front of the vehicle and plainly visible from the front of the vehicle.
- Minimum 6 inches high on rear of chest protector or jersey. All backgrounds must be solid color, no outlines or fading. No other colors besides specified for the class may be used on number plates. Note: Only temporary numbers issued at TX4 registration may be of a different size or color.
Numbers must be number plates on both sides above rear tires with 5” tall numbers. Front number must be displayed as well at least 3 inches tall visible from front of vehicle near top of cage. Class plates will be required and available for purchase at registration at the race. One on front and one on rear of car. These are to designate what class in front of or behind you is in.
1: Drinking intoxicating beverages in designated pits, on the race course or in the surrounding areas by any person is strictly forbidden. The use of narcotics, (amphetamines or any other stimulants, barbiturates or other depressants) is forbidden. Any entrant or crew member in an event that shows evidence whatsoever of being under the influence of any of the aforementioned shall be subject to suspensions from all future TX4 sponsored events. Violator must leave the premises immediately at the direction of the race director.
2: Any entrant who makes false statement on a contingency or entry form shall be disqualified and shall forfeit all prize money, points and all contingencies won in the race. Entrant may also be suspended from future events for a period of one year.
3: Any entry application containing a falsified signature will cause entrant to be disqualified and shall forfeit all prize money, points and contingencies won in that event. Entrant may also be suspended from future events for a period of one year.
4: Any entrant disqualified from any event for a reason whatsoever forfeits any and all rights to prize money, points and contingencies Entrant will not be entitled to a refund of all or any portion of his/her entry fee/s.
5: Any entrant, respective pit crews or support crews seen or reported traveling on the course in other than race-registered vehicles participating in the event before the end of the official race time limit may subject entrant to penalties of disqualification and/or suspension.
There is no outside assistance permitted on the course or near the course during the event except for those TX4 designated areas for pits and/or gas stops. However, a racer in an event may help another racer in the same event if they so choose to, except to help refuel (see page 5 rule 11). TX4 retains the right to assess each situation and respond accordingly. (Situations involving safety are at the discretion of the race directory.)
6: Any race entrant or their support personnel who subject any TX4 official, other race entrants or their support personnel to verbal threats and/or physical abuse will be brought before the director. The director will make the decision of disqualification and/or suspension of the rider and the offending support personnel for said offenses. Acts of physical abuse may be reported to the proper authorities and may lead to legal action.
7: Deliberate vehicle contact will result in penalty, disqualification and/or suspension at the direction of the director.
8: Racing in a class with higher displacement than the legal limit for said class will be penalized. Penalty will mean a total loss of points for entire race season and racer will be placed on probation.
9: If a racer is DSQed for a displacement violation, all points for that class will be forfeited for the entire season.
10: DSQ's are non-droppable and will count towards championship points. 11: In the event a vehicle breaks down on the course the following options are approved. Any deviation from these options may result in entrant being disqualified.
- A) Rider who is with vehicle at time of breakdown may walk to and from the nearest official TX4 designated pit stop only, (General Parking is an extension of the pits as it pertains to this rule) in order to retrieve equipment or parts necessary to repair vehicle. Anyone other than the vehicle occupant that delivers equipment or parts will subject that vehicle to disqualification.
- B) Another race entered vehicle may pick up equipment or parts (GAS NOT ALLOWED) at the TX4 designated pit stop (General Parking is an extension of the pits as it pertains to this rule), and then deliver that equipment or parts to the broken-down vehicle. The race vehicle picking up the equipment or parts must travel in the proper direction on the course. Traveling backwards on the course will subject both entrants to disqualification. Any pit support vehicle or other than race entered vehicles delivering parts to a broken-down vehicle will subject entrant to disqualification.
TX4 points for year-end trophies and all TX4 generated "payback" will only be awarded to TX4 members. Annual Membership is $40
Weekend passes are available for $10
All scoring will be done with RFID transponder system. The scoring chute will have a yellow flag at the beginning and you must slow down to walking pace until you have exited the chute. NO passing in scoring chute. Transponders are available for purchase for $10. For races that have different time lengths will have two checkered flags. The short time will be flagged with a green and white checkered. The longer will be finished at the traditional black and white checkered. All other races will be finished with the black and white checkered flag.
Classes and race order
ATV race is on Saturday
Mini Race: 30 Min race
Micro 50cc
Micro Mod 50cc based machine
Mini Stock 90cc
Mini Mod 90cc Based Machine
Youth Races: 45 min race
Women Beginner NO 450 or larger Machines
Youth 125 : 70-125 4 stroke Youth Frame
Youth 250: up to 250 4 stroke production ATV / 2 stroke 90 allowed shiter 85 allowed.
Pit quad
Amatuer Race: 60 Min race
Open Expert (Double Class must be entered in an afternoon expert class)
Vintage / Vintage Expert (Engine must be production ATV available pre 02
Open C - Novice
Utility (4x4 or racks or both)Machine cannot be considered a sport machine
40+ Amatuer Must 40 or over during the calendar year of the season
Youth Open ( Open machine 17 and under)
Blaster class-200cc 2 stroke 350cc 4 Stroke Air Cooled
ATC - Three wheel machines
Women Open
Pm Race: 70 Min race for all classes except Pro
Pro- 90 Minute race
Open A - Expert
Open B- Intermediate
40+ Expert Must 40 or over during the calendar year of the season
Utility Expert (4x4 or racks or both) Machine cannot be considered a sport machine
UTV Classes and Race order
Kids: 30 Min race
Modified - Unlimited mods to car. Safety equipment is required
Limited - Exhaust, Intake, and suspension mods are allowed. Body mods are also allowed but must retain stock plastic. No internal Engine work allowed.
Stock - Entry level class for stock cars. Tires and exhaust are the only mods allowed. Pump gas only.
AM race 60 Min
Over 50 - Must be of age during calendar year
Sportsman Turbo
800- Any production UTV under 800cc
PM Race 70 Min except Expert
Expert - 90 Min
1000 NA
TX4 points for year-end trophies and all TX4 generated "pay back" will only be awarded to TX4 members.
- DSQ's may not be dropped and will count towards national championships.
- DSQ's for a machine cc infraction will mean loss of all points from said class for race season. 3. Rider must complete one half the number of laps as first place finisher in class to receive finish.
1st |
25 |
2nd |
22 |
3rd |
20 |
4th |
18 |
5th |
16 |
6th |
15 |
7th |
14 |
8th |
13 |
9th |
12 |
10th |
11 |
11th |
10 |
12th |
9 |
13th |
8 |
14th |
7 |
15th |
6 |
16th |
5 |
17th |
4 |
18th |
3 |
19th |
2 |
20th |
1 |
- TX4 Amateur Championships are a “best of” series with two mandatory dropped rounds at the end of the year.
- Example- In an eleven round series, the best nine results will count towards the final point standings.
- If the racer were to compete in only seven of an eleven race series, all seven results will count toward rider’s year-end points total as two of the dropped rounds would be races where the rider did not show up.
- Five (5) appearance points will be given for the dropped results, so long as participant entered and earned a minimum of a DNF. .
- DSQ's are non-droppable.
- Must be a TX4 member to be eligible for an end of the year trophy.
- Rider must complete the following number of rounds (As listed in table below) to qualify for an end of the year championship trophy. If a rider does not complete required number of rounds, his/her points and position will still be scored in the points standings but not eligible for an award.
- Example- A rider who earned 3rd place but completed less than the required rounds will not be eligible for an end of the year trophy but will still be scored in third place in the standings. Furthermore, the rider in fourth place will not be bumped into third even if they have completed the required or more than the required of the rounds
- 60% attendance is required for year end award.
- Ties for class championships will be broken by the most first place finishes, then by most second place finishes. If tie is still not broken, final race placement will break the tie.